
Power Towers

United Kingdom, Leicester
Dutch Data Center Association (DDA)
Building maintenance, Construction

Power Towers Ltd. is a UK manufacturer founded in 2007.

The company was instrumental in founding of the Low-Level Access industry. Six years later, in 2013, the Pecolift and Ecolift were introduced as an innovative and unique Low-Level Access solution in the UK as an alternative to ladders and podiums. Since then, their acceptance both in the UK and globally has been unparalleled and their use is now considered a best practice in place of ladders, podiums and step-ups. They are recognized not only for improving safety, but also for their simplicity, efficiency and improved operators’ ergonomics.

All of our products are born out of considering the application and worker. We provide solutions that are simple, low maintenance, ergonomic and economic with long product lifecycles.

We engage operators, engineers, ergonomists, safety and project managers in the initial concept development stage to ensure that when our engineers set forth designing, they have the user and the application at the forefront of the development process.

We design and cycle test our products so that they will be durable and trouble free. We use the latest motion sensor technology to determine the forces that are being applied to the body to make sure our products will be comfortable to use. The complete portfolio complies with the European Machinery Directive EN280 and ANSI Directive A92.20.



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