

Luxembourg, Differdange
Dutch Data Center Association (DDA)
Fire Safety

Protecting lives, assets, and ensuring business continuity

Data centers are particularly prone to fire, given the high energy density and the nature of the materials present. Viking’s mission is to provide expertise and support from the start of your data center project, so to ensure that your data center runs without unnecessary interruption caused by fire.

Comprehensive fire protection for modern data centers
Viking, your global fire protection partner, understands the challenges of modern data centers and is uniquely equipped to provide the right solution, based on data center activity, operation and plant location:
· We help you select qualified, local fire contractors for bidding, designing, installing, commissioning and maintenance.
· We can supply all required components to fire contractors.
· Our solutions encompass a broad range of innovative and proven system components for water, water mist and gas extinguishing systems as well as fire detection systems.

Benefit from 100+ years of experience
Viking works closely with you and other stakeholders in the development of project specifications to provide a fire protection solution tailored to the specific needs of your data center – contact our local experts for a free consultation!

For more information please visit



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